Special Economic Zone
SEZ Developer/ Co-developer/ Power Unit
- Denotification of SEZ
- Expansion of area of SEZ
- Partial de-notification of SEZ
- Setting Up of SEZ & Notification
- Approval for co-developer in SEZ
- Approval of authorized operation of SEZ
- Service Invoice Endorsement (DSPF) of SEZ
- List of material & list of services approval of SEZ
- QPR, HPR, Six Monthly material utilization reports of SEZ
- Material clearance services to SEZ - Bill of entry, Bill of export
- Approval for Power Units for SEZ Developer and Co-developer
- Bond -cum-Legal Undertaking (B-LUT) approval for SEZ Developer/Co-developer
SEZ Units
- SEZ Online Support
- Renewal of SEZ LOA
- Exit from SEZ Scheme
- DCP approval for SEZ unit
- Re-export of Goods from SEZ
- Shipping bill preparation of SEZ
- Approval for Setting up of SEZ Unit
- Assistance in APR Monitoring of SEZ
- SEZ Monthly Progress Report(MPR) Filing
- Service Invoice Endorsement (DSPF) of SEZ
- SEZ Service Export Reporting Form Filing (SERF)
- Scrap disposal & Debonding of goods of SEZ
- Inter Unit Transfer of Goods from SEZ to STPI
- Inter Unit Transfer of Goods from STPI to SEZ
- Other necessary approvals from SEZ office
- Permission of Sub-contracting under the SEZ Act
- Permission of Broad banding under the SEZ Act
- Obtaing approval as per Rule 43A under the SEZ Act
- Export clearance by filing shipping bill of export of SEZ
- SEZ Annual Performance Report (APR) Certification & Filing
- Material clearance services to SEZ - Bill of entry, Bill of export
- Bond -cum-Legal Undertaking (B-LUT) approval for SEZ Units
- Assistance in obtaining permission for Expansion/Deletion/Merger of SEZ Units